Jennings/Janning Family about 1897
Our Genealogy
If you came here looking for Jennings people, you're probably out
of luck. Rather than being of English or Irish origin, this branch of Jennings came
from Germany (more accurately, the Prussian Kingdom of Hannover) and were originally named Janning.
The name was changed during the mid 1880s after they emigrated to Milton, Wisconsin. For an
accounting of the family in America and a description of their origins in Augustendorf, Germany, please
read this paper written in 1928 by my
great-great-uncle, Frederick C. Jennings, after his visit to the home-land.
The database (also on
RootsWeb WorldConnect)
contains over
10,100 people (updated 10/28/17). Birthdates of living people have
been intentionally removed. There are at least 40 people with each of the
following surnames:
Taylor - Hertfordshire England, MA (over 330 people
of this surname)
Two families both headed by emigrants named Richard Taylor
Porter - Dorchester England, MA, OH, WI (over 290
people of this surname)
Two emigrant families; one headed by John Porter and the other by Richard
Porter (who were perhaps brothers)
More (Moir/Moor/Mour/Moar) - Stirlingshire Scotland, WI (over 190 people of this surname)
Staebell - Alsace-France, IL, IA, SD, WI (over 170
people of this surname)
Stebbins - Essex England, MA (over 150 people
of this surname)
Dyer - England, MA, RI, NY, MN, WI,
WA (over 140 people of this surname)
Parker - Essex England, MA(over 120 people of this surname)
Hitchcock - Wiltshire England, CT, MA(over 110 people of this surname)
Jones - Montgomeryshire Wales, WI (over 100 people of this surname)
Wells - Worcester England, MA(over 100 people of this surname)
Rice - Suffolk and Hertfordshire England, MA(over 100 people of this surname)
Mawhinney (McWhinnie) - Scotland, County Antrim Ireland,
Gillies - Fifeshire Scotland, WI
Hobart - Norfolk England, MA
Graves - Kent England, CT, MA
Tucker - MA, VT, MN
Jennings/Janning - Hannover (Germany), WI
Hanchett - Essex England, CT, MA, NY, OH, WI
Livermore - England, CT, MA
Brown - Ireland, England, MA, etc.
Smith - England, MA, CT, etc.
Farnsworth - Lancashire England, MA
Eells - Devonshire England, MA, CT, NY
Hawks - Norfolk England, CT, MA
Cobb - Kent England, MA
Clark (Clarke) - England, MA (Other families in MN, WI)
Gross - Germany, WI
Wright - England, MA
Pangborn - England, NY, CT, NJ
Vance - CT, VT, IL, MN
Abbot - England, MA
Addie - Kinross-shire Scotland, WI
Alvord (Alford) - Dorset England, MA
Peabody - WI
Barlass - Kinross-shire Scotland, WI
Chandler - England, MA
Allen - England, CT, MA
Warriner - England, MA
Chipman - Dorset England, MA
Lutjen - Bremervorde Hanover
Casper - Alsace-France
Allis - England, MA
Scott - England, MA
If you find any inaccuracies or have additional information, please
My father, Harold Jennings, has written his memoirs. I think you'll find
I was a Boy... very interesting.
My great grandmother, Clara Rhoda (Taylor) Porter, wrote a notebook of
family history which she left for my mother. It was reading A
Grandmother's Rememberances that got me started doing genealogy.
More Family Tree was written by my grandmother,
Catherine (Jones) Porter, in about 1938. It shows descendents of William
and Helen (Buchanan) More of Buchlyvie, Stirlingshire, Scotland. (While
the name is given as Helen Buchanan in this document, the Scottish Old
Parochial Register shows Elizabeth Buchanan.)
Jones - Gillies family history presented at a
family reunion in 1956.
My mother's great uncle,
Charles Guthrie Stevenson,
wrote her several letters when
he was a very old man telling about singing for President Lincoln during
the Civil War. He later sang at Lincoln's funeral.
FamilySearch - A service of The Church
of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints - The Mormons. Contains a database of primary
source material combined with family histories provided by church members. Be careful
to distinguish between these two tyes of material.
USGenWeb Project - An ambitious
set of projects to organize relevant U.S. genealogy information and make
it accessible on-line. The most useful part of this project at the current
time is web sites that have been set up for every county in the U.S. People
have organized and made available via the web, the various resources for
each county.
RootsWeb.com - The oldest and largest
FREE genealogy web site.
New England Historic Genealogical
Society - An outstanding society for genealogical research primarily for
people with New England ancestors. They have a huge library in Boston with over
200,000 volumes, of which 30,000 are available through the mail to members. The
online database is very large and growing rapidly. Membership fees are very
reasonable and includes subscriptions to informative and well respected publications.
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on
the Internet. Over 250,000 links in over 180 categories.
Genealogy at Hull University UK - This site has a database containing
the genealogy of the British Royal family and those linked to it via blood
or marriage relationships. It contains, in fact, the genealogy of almost
every ruling house in the western world because of the intermarriages that
took place between them at some time or another. There are in excess of
30,000 individuals, from the earliest times to the present in the database.